The fastest way
to check
U.S. Importers.

Verify The fastest Way to Check U.S. Importers

Take the pain out of researching your customers abroad in the U.S.

Verify is a 100% digital business verification platform build to assist exporters with the tools needed to quickly and easily check the legitimacy and legal standing of their importers in the U.S.

5 min
Average Report Delivery Time
+100 million
Business Registration Records
CF Trade's Verify App is the fastest way to check US importers for Latina American businesses.

Critical Questions Answered Fast

Focus on running your business not verifying the legitimacy of your customers in the U.S. We've done the hard work of bringing the data to you, now all you have to do is submit the name and address to gain answers to all these questions!

Does the business name submitted match public records in U.S.?

Does the submitted business address match public records for address in the U.S.?

Is the business in good standing with the Secretary of State?

How long has the business operated legally in the U.S.?

Is the address a commercial property or residential property?

Is the submitted address a deliverable address according to the US Postal Service?

Is the submitted business or any publicly listed key personnel listed on watchlists?

Are there any bankruptcy filings associated with this business as of the time of submitting?

Are there any liens (claim or legal right against an asset to satisfy debt) associated with the business?

Are there any litigations (legal actions) associated with the business?

Due diligence for exporters at every scale.


CF Trade offers simple and transparent pricing that can scale with your business. For fast checks of U.S. Businesses there is no better tool than Verify. If you want to dig deeper, contact us to discuss our Verify Plus+ option which includes deeper due diligence and human analyst involvement. For institutional clients looking to verify businesses at scale, reach out to us for our customer enterprise pricing options.

The Fastest Way to Verify US Importers
$50 / report
pricing in USD
Verify Plus+
A deep dive report into US Importers
$250 / report
pricing in USD
Institutional due diligence services.
Contact Us
pricing in USD based on scale
Unlock your trade potential!  Get started today.
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CF TRADE LLC is a subsidiary of CULTIVA FINANCIAL LLC in San Antonio, TX. Visit our parent company site here:
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